Fee Calculator

Welcome to the Fee Calculator




Changes to Planning Fees in Scotland have come into effect from Friday 1st April 2022. From the 1st April 2022, we strongly recommend that users use our updated ePlanning Fee Calculator to confirm their fee.

PLEASE NOTE: We are aware that there are a number of bugs with the fee calculator. We are working to resolve the following issues:

  • Planning Permission and Householder Application > Other > Carrying out any operations not covered within any of the Other categories, and
  • Certificate of Lawfulness (Existing Use) > Other > A certificate relating to any other operations not falling within any of the above categories.
  • Approval of Matters Specified in Conditions > Where no previous fee or application has been made > Planning Permission > Erection of Dwellinghouses. 

In these instances, we recommend calculating these fees from the Fees List or the Planning Circular 2/2022 rather than using the fee calculator.


What is the fee calculator?


The fee calculator is a 'standalone' tool that does not have to be used in conjunction with any other part of the ePlanning.scot service. The fee calculator can assist you in estimating the cost of your planning application.

We have updated the fee calculator reflect changes in Scottish planning fees that came into effect on 1st April 2022.


How do I use it?


You will be asked a series of questions about the work that you're looking to do. The information that you enter will be used to calculate the total cost of the application - be it a simple householder development to large scale schemes such as housing schemes or industrial estates - and based on the fee structure set out in the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 2022.

The calculator is only as good as the information that you enter. Please take care and ensure that the information that you enter is accurate.


Please note:


1. Please note that whilst every effort will be taken to ensure that the fee has been calculated correctly, the resulting fee should be treated as an approximation. The determination of whether the fee is correct is solely the responsibility of the relevant planning authority and you may wish to check with your planning authority that the fee is correct before submitting your application. The contact details for all Scottish planning authorities can be found here

2. If you are advised to half a fee then you will need to manually calculate this yourself. The final amount has not been halved.

3a. The fee calculator does not include fee changes for planning permission in conservation areas. Users applying for this are advised to check their Planning Authority's websites for more information on this.

3b. You can find out more about Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas, and if your property is listed or located in one of these areas, here or here.


How do I get started?


Just select 'NEXT' to get started.