NEW - ePlanning: Updated Fee Calculator to reflect Planning fee changes – From 12th December 2024
We have released a new version of the ePlanning Fee Calculator in line with changes in Planning Fees that came into effect from 12th December 2024. This can be accessed through the usual pathways on ePlanning.
If you have any questions about the new Fee Calculator, let us know by submitting a request for assistance through our Support tab.
NEW - Prior Notification and Prior Approval Form (24th May 2024)
Users wishing to make applications for Prior Notification or Prior Approval for free standing domestic wind turbines (Class 6G), alterations to and replacement of windows in conservation areas in certain circumstances (Class 7A), solar canopies and related battery storage (Class 9M), Peatland Restoration projects (under class 20A), the Conversion of Existing Agricultural / Forestry Buildings to Residential or Commercial Use (under Class 18B, 18C, 22A or 22B), or the erection of buildings solely for the protection of plant or machinery on operational land used for electricity undertakings permitted (under Class 40) CANNOT apply via the ePlanning site.
Users wanting to apply for these MUST use the new Prior Notification and Prior Approval application (September 2024) in pdf format and follow the updated Guidance for making a Prior Notification and Prior Approval. They SHOULD complete this form and submit it directly to their Planning Authority rather than filling out the online form on the ePlanning site.
HELP - Are you struggling to get started?
Don't worry. Our Scottish Planning Customer Journey sets out a quick overview of Scotland's Planning process and can help you to get started.
There is also help available across the site by accessing our Support Tab (in the top right-hand corner) or by clicking on the "Need Help" logos (as shown below).